CCF Speaker Series Alexandra L. Quittner, Ph.D. 2-26-2016

Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Parent Caregivers Alexandra L. Quittner, Ph.D. We conducted a large-scale screening study (the TIDES Study: The International Depression/Anxiety Epidemiological Study) in 9 countries. We screened over 6000 individuals with cystic fibrosis ages 12 through adulthood and over 4100 parent caregivers using 3 screening tools. We found elevated rates of depression and anxiety, about 2-3 times the prevalence found in the community, using 3 screening tools (Quittner et al., 2014). We also compared symptoms of psychological distress in over 1200 parent-teen dyads and found high levels of comorbidity among family members. A large, international multidisciplinary group of pulmonologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychopharmacologists, social workers, and individuals with CF and a parent reviewed the literature and recommended annual screening of psychological distress, beginning at age 12 for patients and for all parents of children with CF from birth to age 17, using the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 (Quittner et al., Thorax, 2015). Efforts to disseminate and implement these guidelines have begun in the US and Europe.