CCF Speaker Series Susan F. Tapert, Ph.D. 3-27-2015
Neuroimaging Findings in Youth: Does Teenage Substance Use Harm the Brain? Susan F. Tapert, Ph.D. Alcohol and marijuana use are common in adolescence, and rates of binge drinking remain high. Neuropsychological and brain imaging studies have shown that the brain continues to develop into young adulthood, and may be more vulnerable to the effects of heavy doses of alcohol and to other substance use at this developmental phase. This lecture will discuss how a healthy brain progresses through adolescence and young adulthood. We will explore data showing that binge drinking and also marijuana use appear to affect the brain, and this linked to changes in thinking abilities over time. We will examine the role of the media in alcohol use decisions of young people and discuss implications for prevention.
Susan F. Tapert Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of California – San Diego
3/27/2015 4:00:00 PM

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