CCF Speaker Series Ted Beauchaine, Ph.D. 3-3-2017
Prefrontal Cortex Function, Emotion Dysregulation, and Executive Deficits as Iterdependent, Transdiagnostic Vulnerabilities to Psychopathology Ted Beauchaine , Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Develop an appreciation for etiological complexity in psychopathology—particularly externalizing disorders. 2. Recognize differing developmental trajectories of subcortical emotion generation systems vs. cortical emotion regulation systems, and what this means for development of psychopathology. 3. Understand how specific neural vulnerabilities are amplified in high risk environments, thereby canalizing developmental pathways to exter-nalizing behavior. 4. Understand why traditional main effects models are unlikely to advance our understanding of psychopathology in the upcoming decade(s).
Ted Beauchaine Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University
3/3/2017 5:00:00 PM

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