CCF Speaker Series Clancy Blair Ph.D. 2-6-2015
A Psychobiological Model of Executive Functions in Early Childhood
Clancy Blair, Ph.D.
The talk will present a developmental psychobiological model of self-regulation development, focusing on executive functions in early childhood. Data in support of a model linking early experience with stress response physiology and executive function abilities will be presented from a prospective longitudinal sample of 1,292 children and families in predominantly low income and non-urban communities in two distinct regions of high poverty in the US. The idea that self-regulation may be a primary pathway through which the conditions of poverty adversely affect child outcomes will be explored from the perspective of experiential canalization and the hypothesis that deficits in self-regulation can account for poverty related gaps in school readiness and early school achievement will be examined.
Clancy Blair Ph.D., Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, New York University
2/6/2015 5:00:00 PM
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