Channel - CCF Speaker Series
1/10/2025 8:45:55 PM

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CCF Speaker Series Alexandra L. Quittner, Ph.D. 2-26-2016
Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Parent Caregivers Alexandra L. Quittner, Ph.D. We conducted a large-scale screening study (the TIDES Study: The International Depression/Anxiety Epidemiological Study) in 9 countries. We screened over 6000 individuals with cystic fibrosis ages 12 through adulthood and over 4100 parent caregivers using 3 screening tools. We found elevated rates of depression and anxiety, about 2-3 times the prevalence found in the community, using 3 screening tools (Quittner et al., 2014). We also compared symptoms of psychological distress in over 1200 parent-teen dyads and found high levels of comorbidity among family members. A large, international multidisciplinary group of pulmonologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychopharmacologists, social workers, and individuals with CF and a parent reviewed the literature and recommended annual screening of psychological distress, beginning at age 12 for patients and for all parents of children with CF from birth to age 17, using the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 (Quittner et al., Thorax, 2015). Efforts to disseminate and implement these guidelines have begun in the US and Europe.
Alexandra L. Quittner Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Pediatrics, and Otolaryngology, Department of Psychology, University of Miami
2/26/2016 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Amy K. Roy, Ph.D. 2-15-2019
Severe Temper Outbursts: Indicators of Emotion Dysregulation in Children Amy K. Roy, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: Discuss current issues in the assessment and characterization of pediatric irritability and temper outbursts. Describe recent neuroimaging findings regarding pediatric irritability and temper outbursts. List at least one component of temper outbursts that may have unique clinical relevance and neural bases.
Amy K. Roy Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Fordham Universtiy
2/15/2019 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ph.D. 1-19-2018
Translating Developmental Psychopathology Findings to Develop Interventions for Individuals with ADHD Across the Lifespan Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1) Demonstrate the role of parenting, parent psychopathology and other environmental factors that predict the course of comorbidity and impairment in children with ADHD. 2) Describe novel interventions targeting these risk and protective factors. 3) Provide a more comprehensive model for treating individuals with ADHD within their environmental context.
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland
1/19/2018 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Andres De Los Reyes, Ph.D., 10-14-2016
Principles Underlying the Use of Multiple Informants' Reports Andres De Los Reyes, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Understand the typical patterns of correspondence within multi-informant assessments of mental health. 2. Learn about theories underlying why multi-informant assessments might yield discrepant outcomes. 3. Learn approaches for testing whether cross-informant correspondence metrics yield meaningful clinical information.
Andres De Los Reyes Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Maryland at College Park, Director, Comprehensive Assessment and Intervention Program
10/14/2016 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Anna Shusterman Ph.D. 10-17-2014
The Language/Thought Interface in Development Anna Shusterman, Ph.D. How do language and thought influence each other during development? Drawing on the cases of spatial and numerical cognition, I will discuss recent work from my lab exploring this question. For both cases, I will show evidence of previously unreported correlations between these two domains that raise questions about the mechanisms through which language and cognition become linked. In the case of space, I will focus on three studies exploring the hypothesis that acquiring frame-of-reference terms (left-right, north-south) causally affects spatial representation in three different populations: English-speaking preschoolers, two cohorts of Nicaraguan Sign Language users, and Kichwa-speaking adults outside of Quito, Ecuador (*Kichwa is a dialect of Quechua spoken in Ecuador). In the case of number, I will focus on emerging evidence that numerical acuity (in the analog magnitude system) and the acquisition of counting knowledge are correlated even in preschoolers, and show some new data from oral-deaf preschoolers that could begin to shed light on the causal direction of this relationship. These studies suggest that language acquisition is deeply tied to the development of non-verbal conceptual systems for representing space and number, raising new questions and hypotheses about the roots of this relationship.
Anna Shusterman Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University
10/17/2014 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Anna Shusterman, Ph.D. 1-14-2020
Meaningful Translation of Research to Practice in Developmental Psychology: Core Principles and Case Studies Anna Shusterman, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Present a blueprint for the translation of developmental science to practice. 2. Articulate ten core principles for bridging the research-to-practice gap. 3. Discuss ways to maximize opportunities and ways to increase uptake of research-based ideas by addressing the authentic needs of practitioners and real-world settings.
Anna Shusterman Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University
1/14/2020 5:30:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Anthony Spirito, Ph.D. 12-1-2017
Clinical challenges in treating the most high risk suicidal adolescents: Results from a recently completed RCT Anthony Spirito, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1) Describe the components of an integrated CBT protocol for adolescents with co-occurring disorders. 2) Become familiar with the factors that may affect replication in clinical trials. 3) Describe potential new approaches for improving outcomes for treatment-resistant adolescents with co-occurring disorders.
Anthony Spirito Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University
12/1/2017 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Asia Eaton, Ph.D., Stacy Frazier, Ph.D., Dionne Stephens, Ph.D.
Addressing Cultural Identities When Conducting Research in Miami: Black, Hispanic, and LGBTQ Asia Eaton, Ph.D., Stacy Frazier, Ph.D., Dionne Stephens, Ph.D. What is the difference between Hispanic and Latina/o? What are the different identities that make up Miami's Black communities? How do you access diverse LGBTQ populations? Does it matter? Although Miami is celebrated for its diversity, the intricacies of various cultural identities are not clear among many who are doing research in this large, urban center. Dr. Asia Eaton, Dr. Stacy Frazier and Dr. Dionne Stephens will lead this informal panel discussion that provides an overview of their experiences conducting research in various communities in and around Miami, and offer suggestions for engaging in true community participatory research.
Asia A. Eaton Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Florida International University
11/6/2015 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Beatriz Luna, Ph.D. 1-15-2016
Specialization of Brain Systems Underlying the Maturation of Working Memory Beatriz Luna, Ph.D. Working memory (WM) is a core executive function that has a protracted maturation into young adulthood and is particularly vulnerable to psychopathology and substance use. A set of longitudinal fMRI studies probing WM changes from 8 to 30 years of age will be presented characterizing normative development and elucidating both changes in refinement of brain systems and variability in engaging brain states. In addition, preliminary finding on the effects of age of onset of cannabis use on WM performance and brain systems will be discussed. Together, these studies suggest that working memory systems are available by childhood but continue to improve through adulthood and have specific vulnerability to early cannabis use.
Beatriz Luna Ph.D., Staunton Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
1/15/2016 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Catherine Bradshaw, Ph.D. 10-13-2017
School-Based Prevention of Behavioral and Mental Health Problems: Integrating and Advancing the Evidence Base Catherine Bradshaw, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1) Describe the state of the science of school-based prevention research related to aggressive behavior problems. 2) Apply principles from the field of prevention science in order to understand high quality implement on programs in schools. 3) Prepare researchers to examine variation in program impact in relation to individual-level factors, as well as school contextual factors.
Catherine Bradshaw Ph.D., Professor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
10/13/2017 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Clancy Blair Ph.D. 2-6-2015
A Psychobiological Model of Executive Functions in Early Childhood Clancy Blair, Ph.D. The talk will present a developmental psychobiological model of self-regulation development, focusing on executive functions in early childhood. Data in support of a model linking early experience with stress response physiology and executive function abilities will be presented from a prospective longitudinal sample of 1,292 children and families in predominantly low income and non-urban communities in two distinct regions of high poverty in the US. The idea that self-regulation may be a primary pathway through which the conditions of poverty adversely affect child outcomes will be explored from the perspective of experiential canalization and the hypothesis that deficits in self-regulation can account for poverty related gaps in school readiness and early school achievement will be examined.
Clancy Blair Ph.D., Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, New York University
2/6/2015 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Daniel S. Shaw, Ph.D. 1-23-2015
The Development of the Family Check-Up in Early Childhood Daniel S. Shaw, Ph.D. This talk will provide a review of basic research on early childhood predictors of conduct problems and an introduction about the Family Check-Up (FCU) as a means for filling a disconnect between early childhood predictors of conduct problems and their prevention, particularly among children at high risk for developing early-starting problem behavior. Data also will be provided on how the FCU has been applied to toddlers, reviewing results from two randomized controlled trials. Concluding comments will focus on Implications for use of the FCU in other early childhood settings serving children at-risk for early problem behavior.
Daniel S. Shaw Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
1/23/2015 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Eric Youngstrom, Ph.D. 9-11-2015
Working Smarter, Not Harder: Evidence Based Assessment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Eric Youngstrom, Ph.D. There are now more than 8700 articles on bipolar disorders in children and adolescents, with more than 90% published in the last 15 years. This explosion of evidence arrived after most practitioners finished their training and obtained licensure. This talk summarizes the literature, using expert review and meta-analyses, focusing on clinical implications about the presentation in youths, sharing practical evidence-based assessment tools available to help get this high stakes diagnosis right.
Eric Youngstrom Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
9/11/2015 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Erika Coles, Ph.D. 4-1-2016
Increasing the Integrity with which Teachers Implement Behavioral Classroom Interventions: Testing a Theory of Change Erika Coles, Ph.D. General classroom management strategies (e.g., use of rules, routines, praise) and targeted interventions (e.g., daily report card) are effective in improving academic and behavioral functioning in children with inattentive and disruptive behaviors. Despite this evidence, few teachers report feeling adequately trained to manage disruptive student behavior and teacher adoption of targeted interventions is relatively limited. One widely used method to facilitate the implementation of classroom management strategies is behavioral consultation with a mental health professional. However, even when teachers receive consultant support, the extent to which they implement behavioral classroom interventions with integrity is variable, which can severely compromise positive student outcomes. Possible barriers to implementation that have been described in the adult learning literature that we hypothesized to be related to variable intervention integrity include skills, knowledge of ADHD and behavioral interventions, and intervention-supportive beliefs. This presentation will describe outcomes of a pilot study that was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a multi-component consultation package that simultaneously addressed teacher knowledge, skills, and beliefs as possible barriers to implementation of behavioral classroom interventions.
Erika Coles Ph.D., Clinical Director, Center for Children and Families, Florida International University
4/1/2016 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Erika Hoff Ph.D. 10-31-2014
Bilingual Environments and Bilingual Development: Studies of Children in South Florida Erika Hoff, Ph.D. The aims of the Bilingual Environments and Bilingual Development Project are to understand the nature of bilingual proficiency as it develops in young children and to identify proximal and distal influences on the development of bilingual proficiency. This talk will summarize our recent findings from longitudinal studies of Spanish-English bilingual children, spanning the age range of 22 to 48 months. The findings have implications for understanding the role of language input in language development and for the design of programs and policies aimed at supporting the development of heritage language and English language skills among language minority children.
Erika Hoff Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University
10/31/2014 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Esther J. Calzada, Ph.D.11-9-2018
Early Childhood Development in Latino Populations: A Look at Risk and Resilience through an Intersectional Lens Esther J. Calzada, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Describe the application of current developmental theories to the Latino population. 2. Describe the empirical literature on mental health and academic achievement in Latino children, comparing outcomes across diverse segments of the population. 3. Discuss at least one practice implication for promoting health and well-being for all Latino children.
Esther J. Calzada Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin
11/9/2018 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series F. Xavier Castellanos, MD 12-7-2018
Small Science Brain Imaging in the Era of Big Data F. Xavier Castellanos, MD Presentation Objectives: 1. Discuss the challenges of understanding the complexity of the human brain with current methods 2. Evaluate whether recent developments in open science represent meaningful progress 3. List the contexts/paradigms in which “small science” approaches remain relevant and essential
F. Xavier Castellanos MD, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University
12/7/2018 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Guillermo Prado, Ph.D. 2-21-2020
Promoting Behavioral and Mental Health in Hispanic Youth: The Familias Unidas Research Program Guillermo Prado, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Describe elements of ecodevelopmental theory 2. List the stages of research and phases of dissemination and implementation 3. Discuss the key findings of the Familias Unidas intervention and other similar parenting interventions
Guillermo J. Prado Ph.D., Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of Miami
2/21/2020 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series James Todd Ph.D. 9-5-2014
The Emergence of Social Attention: Typical and Atypical Trajectories of Attention and Intersensory Processing James Todd, Ph.D. Attention and perception of social events in infancy is thought to promote the typical development of social, cognitive, and language functioning. Children with autism spectrum disorders show impairments in attention and intersensory processing of social events. The rise of disorders of attention, such as autism, highlights the need for characterizing developmental trajectories of attention and intersensory processing skills and for developing fine-grained individual difference measures to better assess relations with cognitive, social, and language functioning. In this talk I will present two exciting, new individual difference measures that can be used to assess the development of multiple attention and intersensory processing skills, as well as relations with social, cognitive, and language skills, in both typically and atypically developing populations.
James Todd Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychology, Florida International University
9/5/2014 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series John Colombo Ph.D. 12-5-2014
Nutritional Supplementation and Developmental Outcomes John Colombo, Ph.D. Recent research has focused on the potential for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) to enhance cognitive and sensory function in human development. This talk will show the results of recent randomized clinical trials on postnatal and prenatal dietary LCPUFA supplementation. It will also include a discussion of issues in the assessment of cognitive development and testing in longitudinal studies and clinical trials.
John Colombo Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas
12/5/2014 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series John E. Lochman, Ph.D. 10-18-2019
Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Research for Aggressive Children: Optimization in Delivery Format and by Child John E. Lochman, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Describe advantages and results of addition of internet components to a structured CBT program like Coping Power 2. Describe how child characteristics (inhibitory control, oxytocin receptor gene, autonomic nervous system) predict differential outcome results for group versus individual delivery of intervention with aggressive children 3. Describe how clinician characteristics and behaviors affect long-term outcomes at 1 four-year follow-up after intervention for aggressive children seen in Coping Power groups
John E. Lochman Ph.D., Saxon Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Alabama
10/18/2019 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series John Gabrieli, Ph.D. 4-3-2015
Prediction as a Humanitarian and Pragmatic Contribution from Human Cognitive Neuroscience John Gabrieli, Ph.D. Neuroimaging has greatly enhanced the cognitive neuroscience understanding of the human brain and its variation across individuals (neurodiversity) in both health and disease. Such progress has not yet, however, propelled changes in educational or medical practices that improve people’s lives. I will review neuroimaging findings in which initial brain measures (neuromarkers) are correlated with or predict future outcomes in learning, in education (reading and dyslexia), and in response to behavioral treatment for social anxiety disorder. Neuromarkers often provide better predictions (neuroprognosis), alone or in combination with other measures, than traditional behavioral measures. With further advances in study designs and analyses, neuromarkers may offer opportunities to personalize educational and clinical practices that lead to better outcomes for people.
John Gabrieli Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4/3/2015 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series John Richards 10-9-2015
Brain Areas Supporting Face Processing in Infants in the First Year: Development, Cortical Sources, and Attention John Richards, Ph.D. Young infants in the first year have dramatic changes in their processing of faces, going from simple perceptual sensitivity through recognition and preference for familiar faces. It is likely that these changes are caused by, or accompanied by, changes in the brain areas known in adults to be involved in face processing. I will report data from infants from 3 through 12 months of age that shows the development of scalp- recorded event-related-potentials in response to faces and objects, in the brain areas supporting these ERP components, and in the effect of attention on the face processing / brain development. This work quantifies the specialization of brain areas for face processing in the infant.
John E. Richards Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina
10/9/2015 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series John Richards, Ph.D. 10-8-2015
Brains for All Ages: A Neurodevelopmental MRI Database for Neuroimaging Research John Richards, Ph.D. The study of neurostructural development or neurofunctional development has been hampered by the lack of age-appropriate MRI reference volumes. This talk will present information about a “Neurodevelopmental MRI Database” that has age-appropriate MRI templates that may be used for neuroimaging studies with infants, children, adolescents, adults, and in aging. The database includes 1) age-specific average MRI templates, 2) segmented partial volume estimates for segmenting priors, 3) a common stereotaxic atlas for infant, pediatric, and adult participants, and 4) tools for doing electrical source analysis (EEG, e.g., electrodes, head models) and for NIRS optode locations (e.g., scalp-to-cortex mapping).
John E. Richards Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina
10/8/2015 7:30:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Jon Comer Ph.D. 9-12-2014
Adjustment among Boston-Area Youth after the 2013 Marathon Bombing and Subsequent Manhunt Jon Comer, Ph.D. In recent years, there have been several high-profile terrorist attacks specifically targeting civilian child and family venues (e.g., Russia’s Beslan school hostage crisis, Norway’s Workers’ Youth League camp attack, Nairobi’s Westgate Mall attack). Although research has documented the psychological toll of terrorism on youth, the majority of such work has focused on attacks targeting office buildings of high symbolic value, where the presence of families has been incidental. Much remains to be learned about the reactions of children affected by terrorism specifically aimed at “soft targets” such as family events. The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing was a high-profile attack that specifically targeted a civilian family event. Moreover, the extraordinary post-attack manhunt and shelter-in-place made for a truly unprecedented experience. This talk will present findings from a recent study examining the adjustment of Boston-area youth (N=460) in the first 6 months following the attack. Analyses examined overall relationships between Marathon and manhunt exposures and children’s clinical outcomes, as well as media-based exposure and the influences of parental exposure and distress.
Jonathan S. Comer Ph.D., Professor or Psychology and Psychiatry, Florida International University
9/12/2014 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Jonathan Comer Ph.D. 12-3-2021
Leveraging Technology to Extend the Scope and Reach of Mental Health Care Jonathan Comer, Ph.D. Learning Objectives 1. Evaluate how technologies are being leveraged to overcome systematic barriers to quality mental health care. 2. Evaluate how technologies can be leveraged to expand the ecological validity of care. 3. List multiple current barriers that hinder the broad reach and accessibility of technology-based treatments.
Jonathan S. Comer Ph.D., Professor or Psychology and Psychiatry, Florida International University
12/3/2021 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Julie Schweitzer, Ph.D. 2-10-2017
A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Understanding and Modifying Decision-Making and Attention in ADHD Julie Schweitzer, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Increase understanding of how behavioral and neuroscience findings can reveal targets for personalized treatments for children and adults with deficits in self-control and attention. 2. Learn about the role of development in designing novel treatments for ADHD. 3. Gain an understanding of novel nonpharmacological therapeutics under development for ADHD.
Julie Schweitzer Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis School of Medicine
2/10/2017 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Kate Keenan Ph.D, 4-24-2015
Nutritionally Based Perinatal Preventive Interventions for Improving Offspring Mental Health Pregnant women living in poverty experience chronic and acute stressors, which can lead to alterations in circulating glucocorticoids. Experimental evidence from animal models and correlational studies in humans strongly support the hypothesis that in utero exposure to high levels of glucocorticoids can negatively affect the developing fetus and later emotional and behavioral regulation in the infant. There is emerging evidence that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation can modulate response to stress, including glucocorticoid reactivity. Evidence for a developing program of research designed to reduce the negative impact of prenatal stress on infant health and development via DHA supplementation during pregnancy is presented. Nutritional interventions may be among the most cost effective approaches to reducing common childhood mental disorders.
Kate Keenan Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, The University of Chicago
4/24/2015 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Katie A. McLaughlin, Ph.D. 11-30-2018
Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Linking Childhood Adversity with Youth Psychopathology Katie A. McLaughlin, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Describe how a dimensional model of childhood adversity differs from a cumulative risk model. 2. Identify at least one neurodevelopmental mechanism linking childhood trauma with risk for internalizing psychopathology. 3. List at least one neurodevelopmental mechanisms linking early deprivation with risk for externalizing psychopathology.
Katie A. McLaughlin Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard University
11/30/2018 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Kenneth Dodge, Ph.D. 2-2-2018
How Developmental Science Can Improve Well-Being and Prevent Violence in High–Risk Children Kenneth A Dodge, Ph.D.
Kenneth A. Dodge Ph.D, Pritzker Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University
2/2/2018 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Kimberly E. Hoagwood, Ph.D. 11-20-2015
State System Redesign, Implementation Research, and Children’s Mental Health: Preventing an Emergency Descent Kimberly E. Hoagwood, Ph.D. Dissemination-Implementation science, the newest genre for multidisciplinary studies, has emerged over the past decade replete with conceptual models and studies of barriers. This has provided limited usefulness to state systems that are undergoing massive changes consequent to healthcare restructuring. In the rush by health and mental health authorities to accommodate these changes, services for children and adolescents are being largely overlooked. And the gap between children’s mental health needs and use of effective services is widening. Ironically, the most direct way to address these trenchant and persistent problems may be through redesign of prevention and intervention services for children with a focus on social policies. This includes using metrics, monitoring and feedback to drive change, and addressing organizational, fiscal, and leadership issues. A body of research is emerging that identifies system level, organizational level, provider level, and individual level (child and family) interventions that can dramatically improve outcomes for children and adolescents. Approaches include strategic collaborative interventions, business and leadership support, population-level quality metrics, and data driven monitoring and feedback systems aligned with social policies that target the social determinants of children’s mental health. However, the current horizon line for implementation science is misaligned with these goals, focusing instead on identification of barriers and on program uptake. This presentation will provide examples of practical research-based strategies and recommend a research agenda to align implementation science with social policies to improve children’s mental health.
Kimberly E. Hoagwood Ph.D., Vice Chair of Research, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine
11/20/2015 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Koraly Perez-Edgar, Ph.D. 10-02-2015
Attention Processes in Socioemotional Development: Linking Early Risk to Later Disorder Koraly Perez-Edgar, Ph.D. The talk will present a developmental psychobiological model of self- regulation development, focusing on executive functions in early childhood. Data in support of a model linking early experience with stress response physiology and executive function abilities will be presented from a prospective longitudinal sample of 1,292 children and families in predominantly low income and non-urban communities in two distinct regions of high poverty in the US. The idea that self-regulation may be a primary pathway through which the conditions of poverty adversely affect child outcomes will be explored from the perspective of experiential canalization and the hypothesis that deficits in self-regulation can account for poverty related gaps in school readiness and early school achievement will be examined.
Koraly Perez-Edgar Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
10/2/2015 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Larry Hawk, Ph.D. 1-13-2017
What's gone wrong in ADHD and how do we make it better? Reinforcing cognition to inform psychopathology and treatment response Larry W. Hawk, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Summarize leading clinical and theoretical models of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 2. Describe emerging findings on the impact of reinforcement on cognitive performance in children with and without ADHD. 3. Discuss the implications of considering reinforcement for “cognitive disorders” such as ADHD.
Larry W. Hawk Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, Director, Center for Children and Families, University at Buffalo
1/13/2017 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Lisa Scott, Ph.D. 10-27-2017
Learning to Individuate: How the specificity of labels impacts infant's behavioral and neural development Lisa Scott, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1) Describe methods and techniques used to study infant learning in the first year of life. 2) Based on the described research, explain how and what type of experience impacts infant learning and whether experience in the first year of life impacts learning later in childhood. 3) Apply the basic science findings presenting in this talk to make predictions about learning in the first year of life.
Lisa Scott Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Florida
10/27/2017 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Margaret Sibley Ph.D. 9-19-2014
New Directions in the Functioning, Assessment, and Treatment of Adolescents with ADHD Margaret Sibley, Ph.D. Though originally conceptualized as a childhood disorder, it is now clear that ADHD persists into adolescence and adulthood. However, it is often unclear how to identify and diagnose adolescents and adults with ADHD because DSM criteria were initially constructed for children and there are no complete practice parameters for the diagnosis of adolescents and adults. Furthermore, treatment of adolescents with ADHD is very poor with approximately 80% of diagnosed teens failing to utilize evidence-based treatments (medication and psychosocial), despite reports of prevalent stimulant medication prescriptions for these youth. This presentation reviews issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents and young adults with ADHD. Dr. Sibley presents on her recent research, which aims to clarify optimal diagnostic procedures for older individuals with ADHD and to develop and identify realistic delivery strategies for adolescent-specific evidence based treatments.
Margaret Sibley Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health, Florida International University
9/19/2014 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Mario De La Rosa, Ph.D. 2-26-2021
Advancing Substance Abuse and HIV Research in Latino populations in Miami-Dade County: Lessons Learned from CRUSADA Research Mario De La Rosa, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Explain why there is a need for research on the nature and extent of substance abuse and HIV in Latino populations in Miami-Dade County 2. Utilize the information provided as background information for future research grants or scientific papers that focus on substance abuse and sexual risk behaviors of vulnerable Latino populations in Miami-Dade County 3. Describe and plan research studies that involve community partners in the development and implementation phases.
Mario De La Rosa Ph.D., Professor, School of Social Work; Professor, College of Medicine, Florida International University
2/26/2021 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Matthew R. Sanders, Ph.D. 3-28-2018
Transforming the Lives of Children, Parents and Communities through Positive Parenting Matthew R. Sanders, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Explain the impact of parenting on child development and problems of childhood, including maltreatment, mental health problems, schools, and communities. 2. List the modifiable factors that influence parenting and that should be targeted in parenting programs for both individual and community-level intervention. 3. Explain the typical components of successful interventions to improve parenting. 4. Describe the successful examples and outcomes of positive parenting programs on individual, family, and community outcomes.
Matthew R. Sanders Ph.D., Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Queensland
3/28/2018 7:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Melanie Dirks Ph.D. 10-24-2014
Incorporating Context into the Measurement of Children’s Social Competence Melanie Dirks, Ph.D. Social competence, or effectiveness in interpersonal interactions, plays a critical role in the maintenance of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology in youth, and is a key target for interventions. For this reason, it is essential that we develop reliable and valid measures of this construct. In this talk, I will discuss on-going work in my lab examining how children report they would respond to peer provocation that suggests that there will be clinical utility associated with measuring social competence (a) with respect to key social situations, and (b) from the perspective of important people in youth’s social environments. Moreover, I will demonstrate that the effectiveness of a given response to peer provocation may depend upon characteristics of the child enacting it. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of moving away from a “one size fits all” model of social-skills training to a more contextualized approach that considers “what works for whom, and when?”
Melanie Dirks Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, McGill University
10/24/2014 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Monique Ward Ph.D. 11-7-2014
The Sea They Swim In: Mass Media and Sexual Learning among American Youth Monique Ward, Ph.D. The mainstream media have emerged as a prominent force in the sexual socialization of American youth, with teens consuming nearly 7.5 hours of media a day. Yet relying on media models of courtship can be problematic because media content often conveys rigid messages about sexuality that center on traditional gender roles and sexual scripts. In addition, media often feature a hyper-sexualized feminine ideal that may encourage women to see and value themselves mainly for their beauty and sexual appeal. In this talk, I present findings from several studies that investigate how regular exposure to mainstream media affects young peoples’ sexual attitudes, expectations, and experiences.
Monique Ward Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
11/7/2014 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Peter Szatmari, MD 3-8-2019
Building a Rational Mental Health System for Children and Youth Peter Szatmari, MD Presentation Objectives: 1. To summarize recent data on the epidemiology of child and youth mental disorders 2. To discuss the implications of this data on systems of mental health care 3. To describe new models of care that might address the current crisis in systems of mental health care or children and youth
Peter Szatmari MD, Chief, Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative, Centre for Addition and Mental Health
3/8/2019 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series R. Kathryn McHugh, Ph.D. 11-13-2020
The Opioid Epidemic: Where Are We Now and What Comes Next? R. Kathryn McHugh, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Describe the scope of opioid misuse and opioid overdose in the United States. 2. Describe the prevalence of opioid misuse in youth and young adults. 3. Identify differences in the impact of opioids based on race and sex. 4. Identify effective treatments for opioid use disorder.
R. Kathryn McHugh Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School
11/13/2020 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Rebecca Shearer, Ph.D. 4-15-2016
Fostering Positive Classroom Engagement for Preschoolers with Behavioral Needs Rebecca Shearer, Ph.D. The utility of contextual assessment approach will be presented to identify children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs within the preschool classroom, particularly in Head Start programs where children are at elevated risk for displaying challenging behavior. A brief overview and pilot findings will be shared from a newly developed model Learning to Objectively Observe Kids (LOOK) for supporting preschool teachers to address challenging behavior in the classroom and improve positive engagement.
Rebecca Shearer Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Miami
4/15/2016 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D. 2-12-2016
Are “Educational” Apps Educational? Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D. Our children are in the midst of a vast, unplanned experiment, surrounded by digital technologies that were not available but five years ago. At the apex of this boom is the introduction of applications (“apps”) for tablets and smartphones. So-called “educational apps” – which stand at approximately 90,000 in the App Store, are largely unregulated and untested. This talk offers a way to think about the potential educational impact of current and future apps by building on research from the Science of Learning.
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff Ph.D., Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware
2/12/2016 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Rosemary Tannock, Ph.D. 12-8-2017
Intervention for children with ADHD and co-existing Dyslexia Rosemary Tannock, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1) Describe the prevalence, key characteristics, and functional impairments of children with ADHD and co-existing Dyslexia 2) Discuss current intervention approaches for youngsters with ADHD and co-existing Dyslexia 3) Critique the presented randomized controlled trial of multi-modal intervention for children with ADHD and co-existing Dyslexia
Rosemary Tannock Ph.D.
12/8/2017 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Stephen Kilgus, Ph.D. 10-22-2021
Assessment to Inform Social-Emotional and Behavioral Intervention Stephen Kilgus, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Attendees will be able to explain how a systematic assessment and decision making system can enhance service delivery within multi-tiered systems of support. 2. Attendees will be able to explain how different types of assessment facilitate and enhance intervention outcomes. 3. Attendees will be able to describe a process by which assessment tools and decision making systems can be rigorously developed and evaluated.
Stephen Kilgus Ph.D., Associate Professor, School Psychology Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison
10/22/2021 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Susan A. Rose, Ph.D. 2-27-2015
Longitudinal Studies of Cognitive Development in Preterm and Full-term Children: Infancy to 11 Years Susan A. Rose, Ph.D. Our work focuses on understanding developmental and individual differences in the cognitive capacities of infants born preterm (a group at risk for cognitive lags and delays), and comparison groups of full-term infants. Longitudinal designs, while they present logistic challenges, are the only way to investigate developmental change and stability. In two prospective longitudinal studies, children were followed from infancy to 11 years. We developed infant assessments of core cognitive abilities that proved to be sensitive to risk, and to serve as the building blocks of later cognitive abilities. The results provided (a) an extensive, rich, and nuanced picture of cognitive difficulties in preterm infants, (b) evidence of stability in abilities over three age periods – infancy, toddlerhood, and preadolescence (11 years), (c) evidence that cognitive growth is best described by a cognitive cascade, in which elementary cognitive abilities (attention and speed) influence more complex infant abilities (memory and representational competence) that, in turn, influence more general cognitive outcomes (MDI/IQ). These infant and toddler abilities also predicted later language, as well as executive functioning at 11 years. In short, these studies are showing infancy to be the cradle of cognition.
Susan A. Rose Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2/27/2015 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Susan F. Tapert, Ph.D. 3-27-2015
Neuroimaging Findings in Youth: Does Teenage Substance Use Harm the Brain? Susan F. Tapert, Ph.D. Alcohol and marijuana use are common in adolescence, and rates of binge drinking remain high. Neuropsychological and brain imaging studies have shown that the brain continues to develop into young adulthood, and may be more vulnerable to the effects of heavy doses of alcohol and to other substance use at this developmental phase. This lecture will discuss how a healthy brain progresses through adolescence and young adulthood. We will explore data showing that binge drinking and also marijuana use appear to affect the brain, and this linked to changes in thinking abilities over time. We will examine the role of the media in alcohol use decisions of young people and discuss implications for prevention.
Susan F. Tapert Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of California – San Diego
3/27/2015 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Susan Murphy Ph.D. 2-20-2015
Advancing Mobile Health via Micro-Randomized Trials Susan A. Murphy, Ph.D. Micro-randomized trials are trials in which individuals are randomized 100's or 1000's of times over the course of the study. The goal of these trials is to assess the impact of momentary interventions, e.g. interventions that are intended to impact behavior over small time intervals. A fast growing area of mHealth concerns the use of mobile devices for both collecting real-time data, for processing this data and for providing momentary interventions. We discuss the design and analysis of these types of trials.
Susan A. Murphy Ph.D., HE Robbins Distinguished University Professor of Statistics & Professor of Psychiatry, Research Professor, Institute for Social Research, Department of Statistics, The University of Michigan
2/20/2015 5:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series Tiffany Field, Ph.D. 5-6-2016
Imitation Play Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Tiffany Field, Ph.D. This talk is a brief review of the literature on the enhancing effects of adult imitation on the social behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Ours and others’ studies are reviewed showing that children with ASD respond more to imitative than contingently responsive adults. After repeated imitation sessions the children showed more distal social behaviors (looking, vocalizing) and proximal social behaviors (moving close to and touching adult). In another coding of these videotapes the children showed more joint attention behaviors following the imitation condition. And in still another analysis of these data, the children with ASD showed less repetitive/stereotypic behavior during the imitation condition.
Tiffany Field Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Miami
5/6/2016 4:00:00 PM

CCF Speaker Series: Rina Das Eiden, Ph.D. 1-31-2020
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure - Developmental Processes from Birth to Adolescence Rina Das Eiden, Ph.D. Presentation Objectives: 1. Describe methodological issues to consider in studies of substance using parents 2. Discuss developmental risk trajectories in substance exposed children 3. Discuss mechanisms that may promote resilience in this population
Rina Das Eiden Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, Consortium for Combatting Substance Abuse
1/31/2020 5:00:00 PM

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